3 Day Workshop
The Internet Sales 20 Group® has been so effective in its design that it has literally changed the expectations dealers have while attending workshops. We have an instructional design with one clear curriculum: having a strong beginning, middle, and end. This helps all members evaluate and strategize throughout the conference. We conclude the workshop with an exit strategy so everyone can go back to their dealerships with a customized action plan to implement immediately. Our emphasis is on Internet Sales, which is one of the most powerful and vital areas of the Automotive Industry. Presentations will also focus on Showroom Sales, Best Practices, Leadership, Objections & Rebuttals, Processes, and more. Each session is geared towards showing members what to do, when to do it, and why to do it. Simply put, the Internet Sales 20 Group® exists to make its members successful!

Work Hard. Play Hard!
At IS20G, we believe in hard work to get results. We also believe in having a great time while doing it.
Each year, we throw a Rock Star VIP Networking Event that will leave you wanting more. You can expect the VIP Networking Event for IS20G15 to be EPIC!
All attendees must RSVP for this night to remember. You don’t want to miss out!

The Internet Sales 20 Group® brings you ONLY the most elite subject matter experts from all aspects of the automotive industry.
Industry experts, trainers, and vendors will come together to teach you, guide you, and motivate you to improve your dealership. They will be talking about email marketing, CRM processes, phone sales and phone training, social media, and SO much more!

A true highlight of each IS20G is the panels.
We have designed custom panels hand-selecting members with specialized expertise in each area of focus.

Roundtable Rotations
- Identify the location of the table(s) of interest.
- Identify the speaker(s) associated with the topic of interest.
- Prioritize destinations based on the importance and relevance to YOUR business model and ROI.