What You Will Learn
The absolute best subject matter experts in the industry have been assembled to arm you with the most important information on all cutting-edge technology, strategies, and resources to create a game plan for a powerful start to your 2024! Hear from Dealer Principals, General Managers, and Internet/BDC Directors from some of the most successful Dealer Groups in the country.

Internet Sales & Business Development (BDC)
You will learn Dealer Synergy’s philosophy and strategy for building Internet Sales and Business Development Departments; what works, and why. You will be able to go back to your dealership with a solid strategy of how to build a new department from scratch, and how to improve or evolve your existing one!

You are going to learn how powerful video is for your dealership. Specifically, you’ll learn to consider what types of video you need to create, how you are going to create it, and how you would use it to help you sell cars to give you a serious competitive edge over your competition!

Video SEO
You will learn that Google prefers video content over ANY and ALL other content. Learn how to develop a video SEO strategy that you can not only utilize to dominate your market for your brand but monopolize your market for competing brands that you don’t even own!

Time Management / Organization
There are only 86,400 seconds in a day, and once they are gone, they are gone forever. You will learn the best time management strategies from the Franklin Covey proven system of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. You will also learn how to put first things first, as well as how to identify distractions disguised as opportunities!

Online Reputation Management
You will take the best tips from industry leaders like DealerRater. Accompanying those tips will be the importance of online reputation and the importance of creating a strategy for your dealership to increase favorable online review scores. You will learn how to get your sales consultants and service writers to solicit the most effective online reviews for your dealership.

Dealers are going to learn that texting has the HIGHEST connection rate compared to ANY other form of communication; direct mail, email, phone, and even social media. More importantly, learn and master the texting laws and rules of engagement. Dealers will learn how to implement, deploy, and maximize text-driven engagements while protecting themselves and remaining compliant. More importantly, you will learn how to increase your lead connections AND conversions by creating and utilizing a powerful texting strategy.

Pay Per Click (PPC)
Dealers are going to gain an opportunity to learn the nuances associated with pay-per-click. You will be provided with the overview and strategies associated with a strong PPC campaign for your Dealership. Learn the tools to create one, and avoid shady vendors that turn your store into a museum of smoke and mirrors. You will also learn what to monitor, and what means to monitor it with.

The dealership CRM is the most important tool in the dealership. For sales, lead follow-up, accountability, relationship management, identifying lost opportunities, time management, customer data, and information storage. Yet 90% of all dealership CRMs can be antiquated, set up incorrectly, loaded with the wrong content, not customized to reflect dealership specifications, misused, underutilized, or neglected. When set up and utilized correctly, a dealership’s CRM will amplify the efforts of the salesforce, drastically reduce manual efforts, increase productivity, increase CSI scores, increase units sold, and increase grosses.

3rd Party Leads / Lead Generation
Unlock the secrets of 3rd Party Leads and Lead Generation at the Internet Sales 20 Group Conference! Dealers attending this dynamic event will gain invaluable insights into maximizing their dealership’s potential through innovative strategies for sourcing and managing third-party leads. From optimizing lead quality to harnessing the power of cutting-edge lead generation techniques, participants will learn to elevate their sales game and drive success in the ever-evolving landscape of automotive retail.

The IS20G has the BEST website provider companies in the entire Automotive Sales industry that shows you what specifically makes up the most powerful website. You will learn about the most important elements such as:
- Page load speed, bounce rates, and visits to lead conversions. You will learn how to get the MOST out of your website. Finally, you’ll get SEO down pact, and how it plays a critical role in your website’s success.

Social Media
Social media is the #1 form of communication which platforms need to utilize at their dealership to be successful. Dealers will also learn the power of Facebook paid ads, and how they will have a much higher ROI compared to Google PPC. Dealers will get to see examples of awesome social media ad campaigns, and be able to go back to their dealerships with ideas on which they can create for their dealerships.

Special Finance
Dealers will learn that they can actually pull soft credit checks without needing a prospect’s social security number. Dealers can use this strategy/technology for their internet and special finance leads!

Training Tools & Strategies for Your Team
Dealers will be in awe with how much evolution in training and education for their Sales, Internet, BDC, and Management teams will change their overall gross. There are now powerful virtual (video) on-demand, training, tracking, testing, and certification software available that will ensure that their people do not practice on real customers!

Phone Sales & Phone Skills
Phones are the MOST powerful resource in the Internet Department or BDC. Studies show that 9 out of 10 prospects prefer to talk on the phone versus other communication methods. You will become familiar with the Rules of Engagement:
- Why do emails sell the phone call?
- How does the phone call sell the appointment?
- And finally, why does the appointment sell the relationship, product presentation, and demo drive?

Dealer Principals & GMs
Workshop attendees consist of actual dealer principals, GMs, and top dealership executives. Dealers and GMs will have the opportunity to learn directly from other active dealers and GMs!

Internet Sales Managers / BDC Directors
There will be active ISMs and BDC directors in attendance speaking on the tips and strategies to effectively build, lead, and evolve high-functioning internet dealerships. They will be conducting sessions on specific panels by providing you the opportunity to interact directly and address your specific dealership needs. Don’t miss this opportunity to network with other automotive professionals performing the same exact job by synergizing with them!

Showroom Sales
How do you truly INCREASE units sold? You are going to learn the secrets of how one Automotive Sales Professional consistently sells over 100 units a month on the showroom floor! You will have the opportunity to learn from a showroom sales consultant who continuously sells over 100+ Cars per Month, makes + $1 Million Dollars on the Showroom floor, and is currently the #1 Car Salesman in the WORLD!

Used Cars Online
Focusing on used car sales can become a highly productive profit center. It is important to focus on the right stock at the right price. Ultimately, success requires strong management, a commitment to the used car market, and a compensation package that rewards the sales team for increasing used car sales. You are going to learn all of the ways you can increase used car sales online! Remember that used cars are inventory based opportunities.

HR / Recruiting
Profiles, Job Descriptions, Expectations, Screening and Hiring.
Having the right people on your team is essential for any sustained growth. You’ll be able to recruit the right talent, and diagnose deficiencies in your Dealership by identifying and attracting the right people with the necessary skills to fill those roles.

Conventional vs. Digital Marketing
We will clearly define the many facets of traditional marketing:
- Business cards, Print ads, Posters, Commercials, etc
Additionally, we will examine the ever-changing components of digital marketing like websites, social media mentions, YouTube videos, and banner ads. All these outlets serve up content for online searches to deliver. The more visible your content, the greater the opportunity for brand recognition.

Value Package Proposition
The key to a rock solid VPP is to differentiate yourself! You will learn how to set yourself apart from the competition. Remember that price is only relevant with the absence of value. You are going to learn the absolute most powerful VPP for your dealership by implementing an alternative mindset to create an unfair competitive advantage.